What's New
- Program and Abstracts has been uploaded. (August 22, 2019)
- The finalized program has been uploaded. (August 19, 2019)
- Access to Venue and Hotels has been uploaded. (August 19, 2019)
- Program at a Glance has been uploaded. (August 7, 2019)
- Program - Oral/Poster session has been uploaded. (August 7, 2019)
- Instructions for Presenters has been uploaded. (July 29, 2019)
- Discount Registration Deadline: Extended to July 22, 2019 (July 4, 2019)
- Abstract Submission Deadline for POSTER presentation: Mid July, 2019 (June 5, 2019)
- On-line Hotel and Excursion Application is available. (June 3, 2019)
- Submission Deadline for Abstract: Extended to June 5, 2019 (May 20, 2019)
- Social Programs, Accommodation & Travel has been uploaded. (May 16, 2019)
- On-line Registration and Social Programs is available. (May 13, 2019)
- Invited Scientists, Supports has been uploaded. (May 8, 2019)
- On-line Abstract Submission is available. (March 27, 2019)
- Committees has been uploaded. (March 18, 2019)
- Welcome Message, Scientific Program, Call for Abstracts, Registration, Access to Fukuoka has been uploaded. (March 7, 2019)
- Our website has been opened. (September 12, 2018)
Congress Overview
- Date
- September 2 (Mon) - 6 (Fri), 2019
- Venue
- The Centennial Hall, Kyushu University School of Medicine
1-1 Maidashi 3-chome Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, JAPAN
- Congress Chair
- Yoshizumi Ishino
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
- http://www.acplan.jp/thermophiles2019/
- Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline for POSTER presentation |
Mid July, 2019 |
Notification of abstract acceptance |
Late June, 2019 |
Discount registration deadline |
July 15 22, 2019 |
Hotel application deadline |
July 31, 2019 |
Excursion application deadline |
August 19, 2019 |
- Organizing Secretariat
- c/o AC Planning
406 Murakami-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8369, Japan
Tel: +81-75-611-2008, Fax: +81-75-603-3816