Instructions for Presenters
For Oral Session Speakers
Presentation Time
Opening Lectures & Closing Lectures | 30 minutes for presentation and discussion |
Keynote Lectures | 25 minutes for presentation and discussion |
Oral presentations | 18 minutes for presentation and discussion |
Presentation time includes presenter introduction by chairpersons and equipment setup.
Oral Session Room Equipment
- Only LCD projectors will be available.
- One digital projection system will be available for single projection of presentations. Projector resolution will be 1024 x 768 pixels. Audio output will not be supported.
Bring your own computer for oral presentations
All speakers are requested to bring their own laptop computer for their presentations. All speakers are also requested to bring a copy of their presentation data in a USB flash memory in case of unexpected problems. A computer with Japanese Windows 10 with Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 is available in each session room in such a case. Please contact the secretariat prior to the Congress in case you cannot bring your computer.
Personal Computers (PCs)
- Western Japan, including Fukuoka, is on 100 V, 60 Hz. The plug type is type A with two flat blades without a ground pin, the same type as those widely used in the USA and Canada.
- A standard D-Sub 15-pin connector and/or HDMI connector are used to connect the PC with the LCD projector. In the case of Macintosh, please bring an appropriate adapter to connect your computer.
- All energy-conserving functions such as screen-savers, sleep/power saving modes should be disabled prior to use in the presentation.
Presentation and Data
- Each speaker is requested to bring and set up their own computer at least 15 minutes before the start of their session at the PC operation desk which is located near the podium.
- After completing your presentation, please pick up your PC at the PC operation desk.
For Poster Session Speakers

Poster Preparation
Please prepare your poster according to the following guidelines. The poster will be mounted on a panel of 90 cm (width) x 150 cm (height). Please refer to the illustration.
Title: Use an area of 20-25 cm (height) x 90 cm (width) at the top of the poster for the title, authors' names and affiliations.
Text, Tables and Figures: All material should be visible from a distance of 2 meters. A poster number and the materials necessary for mounting the posters will be provided by the organizers.
Poster Presentation
- Posters should be mounted, presented and removed according to the following schedule. Poster presenters are requested to be at their posters for discussion during the period designated below. Poster sessions will not be chaired.
Mounting September 3 (Tue), 9:00-14:00 Presentation Odd Numbers: September 3 (Tue), 15:10-16:40
Even Numbers: September 5 (Thu), 14:15-15:45Removal September 6 (Fri), 9:00-11:00 - Presenters are requested to remove their posters by themselves.
Posters that remain mounted after the designated removal time may be disposed of.
Poster Awards
The Thermophiles 2019 will honor several young researchers with Poster Awards. Candidates of this award are Students, Post Docs and other Non-faculty members. Those who are eligible and would like to apply for the award must inform the Organizing Committee by August 1 via e-mail ( Posters will be evaluated based on the quality and originality of the work and clarity of the presentation. The award ceremony will take place on September 6 (Fri), before the Closing ceremony.